
Tony and Kerry Chamberlain started this blog to help others navigate the confusing world of weight loss and nutrition.  Through their weight loss journey, they tailored an eminently-workable program. They will share what they’ve learned to help you create your own program and get off any fad diet, or exercise-gimmick, merry-go-round that ultimately, can leave anyone dizzy and spinning. Spinning, right back to weight gain, as soon as you stop.

Tony’s life has centered around consistent work outs and challenging himself. He never had to watch his diet. He’s eaten healthy, but he could always eat pretty much whatever he wanted due to running 25 plus miles a week. Then, he turned 50. As an over 50 male, he started experiencing calf tears during training. And, bam: 30 extra-pounds, happened. As he searched the array of exercise programs out there, they focused on the young, and the injury free.  Others focused on an older population, but they seemed limited. The options boiled down to two. Eat a balanced, calorie controlled diet and define a workout program, adapting to his now older body; or, stay fat.

Kerry’s led an active life. A skier, weight lifter, yoga-practitioner, aerobic exerciser, and avid lover of cooking, she just knew her love of exercise, would always overcome her desk job. But, age has a way of catching up to us, even when we work at it. It seemed, creating in the kitchen, the stress of a career, a desk job, and full time grad-school, was more than she expected. However, due in no small part to the joys of kitchen creation, she found a way to get diet under control through cooking portion-controlled meals, that don’t suck.  She knows, building nutritious, healthy meals, that taste good, works. And, she’ll do the planning and remove the guess work.

We designed this website with you in mind. We’re not asking you to send us money to help you. We’re so tired of that approach, we’d like to scream. We don’t care what fitness models and celebrities look like. They have advantages the rest of us don’t. But, we do care that obesity plagues nearly one third of the United States and over a billion people around the world. That said, we found a way. And, We want to share that way. The best part, it won’t cost you a cent to join the journey. Just follow the blog, the videos. As you walk along with us, remember this: we’re here to help you do: your level best.