Perimenopause and Exercise

I have way too much food right now, so I'm skipping the recipe this week.  I thought about topic for this week's post, and I remembered living through perimenopause and how it affected my workouts and keeping my weight in check. It was definitely a wild ride and very challenging indeed. What is perimenopause? According to Johns [...]

Low Carb German Apple Cake

I'm almost back to normal. I hope to start running at the beginning of next week. It's so important when you get sick to rest. If you try to push through, you are not giving your immune system a chance to do its job. The only thing I hate about being sick is being bored. I love that I can [...]

Apple Cake with Raspberry Buttercream Frosting

Happy New Year! Before I do a recipe with black eyed peas like I normally do, I wanted to first get something out of my freezer. I made the chocolate red wine cake with raspberry buttercream frosting and have a whole bunch of frosting in my freezer that I didn't use. So I looked for a recipe that [...]

Some thoughts on motivation Tweet from Dr. Layne Norton on motivation This week I wanted to address the study that Dr. Layne Norton mentioned in the tweet above. Now, most people don't read scientific studies and only take the information distilled (often incorrectly) by the media. The reason I wanted to do this is because many people think the reason [...]

Adding Protein to a Recipe

This is a repost of a post from the very beginning. I am traveling and will post new content next week. There are lots of great recipes out there. You can find them all over the Internet. You probably also have a ton of cookbooks at home. When you start eating healthier, does that mean [...]